March TBR

Okay, so before I even start this post I want to make you aware of the fact I have terrible habit of not following my TBRs. Like at all. Still, I like setting, sometimes unattainable, goals for myself. And hence my split personality-this TBR I probably won’t keep to!


To start of my TBR, a book I’ve been wanting to read ever since it came out January 31 of this year. By Your Side by Katie West just seems like this heartfelt book about love and friendship, and the perfect contemporary to jet-start the spring season. For God’s sake, it takes place in a library! What could possibly be better??

13372690The next book I’ve been dying to read, and will hopefully get to this month, is Slammed by Colleen Hoover. I honestly don’t know much about this book at all, other than the fact it was published in 2012 – can you believe thats already five years ago? This was the first Colleen Hoover book I got mye eyes on, it inspired me to read her other books, so therefore it seems only fair I read the book that got mye eyes up for one of my favorite authors. (Including the rest of the series)

23507628The last book I want to read is I Was Here by Gayle Forman. I bought this book a little over a year ago, and it has been judging me from my shelf ever since. This book is a bit different from the other two on my TBR this month, and in the sense that it talks about suicide and self harm. These are topics not often discussed in the open, and I’m excited to see how this book adresses the issue.


As you can see, I’ve decided to only add three books to my list this month. Honestly, I’m not even sure I’ll be able to get through them. The school year is gearing up, work is piling up, and the subjects intensifies. My teaches says the next six weeks will be the most challenging of the year, and my focus will primarily on school and homework these following weeks. Hope you’ll understand!